Mobile Billboard Advertising

Mobile Billboard Advertising
Mobile Billboard Advertisements

4 Marketing Mistakes That Will Tank Your Mobile Billboard Campaign

Out of Home (OOH), marketing is a current trend that is continually on the rise with Texas business owners. Statistics show that most consumers now get the idea to purchase a product through Out of Home efforts like billboard trucks and LED displays.

While this method may be popular with audiences, there are still ways that business owners new to the process can make mistakes that completely defeat their campaign efforts. Here are four OOH mistakes you can easily avoid with Bulldog Mobile Billboards.

  1. Failing To Know Your Target Audience
  2. Being Unable To Measure Your Campaign’s Goals
  3. Missing Your Window Of Advertising Opportunity
  4. Not Looking Beyond Static Billboards

1. Failing to Truly Know Your Target Audience

Simply knowing you want to target a certain demographic used to be enough in an advertising campaign. However, with advancements like GPS tracking and a rise in people spending more time out of the home, your knowledge of a target audience needs to be more accurate.

Some questions to ask yourself are:

Where does my audience frequent? When does my audience visit these places? How does my product improve their lives?

By answering these questions and taking the mobile billboard truck route for your campaign, you can ensure that your message displays in specific spots when your audience will see it.

2. Not Working with a Method That Measures Your Goals

Having a stellar advertising campaign is only the first step towards success. Measuring the impact that your campaign had on potential customers is also extremely important. With traditional advertising methods like static billboards and pop-up ads, it can be difficult to track accurate impressions for your campaign.

However, by working with a billboard truck company like Bulldog Billboards, you will have access to technology that can accurately track the success of your measurable goals and if your campaign has an effective approach in the area.

3. Missing Your Window of Advertising Opportunity

Knowing to strike when the iron is hot is so important in any business’ industry. Failing to design your campaign ads around current trends, holidays, or more importantly, local events can really put a damper on the success of your mobile billboard advertising.

4. Not Looking Beyond Static Billboards

When the term OOH marketing is brought up, images of the static billboards of yesteryear come to mind. While these are still used as a form of advertising, they are:

  1.  Not guaranteed to make the right impression
  2.  A design decision that is literally “stuck.”

With mobile billboard advertising methods like LED display trucks, your message no longer has the restrictions of static advertising or expensive multimedia options. If you find that you want your display to have a different background or message at different times of the day, this request can be made and accomplished almost instantly.

Bulldog Billboards Helps You Create a Skyrocketing Campaign

Working with a mobile billboard company that can help you create a local campaign to promote your brand is imperative. When you place your trust in Bulldog Mobile Billboards, not only do you have a dedicated team helping you design a successful campaign, but you also have access to the best in LED display trucks and glass-walled display trucks in your area. Contact us today to find out how to get your next ad campaign rolling.

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