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Mobile Billboard Advertisements

Understanding Outdoor Media and Its Importance

These days, too many of us spend a lot of time scrolling on our phones. And because of this screen time, we’re nearly immune to all of the ads we see, often swiping right past them. That’s why brands big and small are turning to a new form of advertising: outdoor media.

Think: a digital sign with a flashing video, a poster on the side of a bus, or a bench with a fun graphic on the back. These are all examples of outdoor media and a way for businesses to reach their customers while they’re out and about. Because why settle for a boring social media ad when you can (literally) put your message out into the world? 

Outdoor media is everywhere we look, turning plain public spaces into something to remember. But what’s the big deal? As we mentioned above, these days, everyone seems to be on some sort of device. Outdoor media allows brands to break through the noise and reach more of their perfect customers. Whether you’re walking your dog, heading to work, or out on the town with friends, outdoor media meets you where you’re at, making a memorable impression you won’t soon forget. 

Below, we’re sharing more on what exactly outdoor media is and why it’s something your brand should try. So don’t just opt for another standard social ad—see why outdoor media is the way to go in 2024!

What Is Outdoor Media?

If you’re new to outdoor media, let us set the record straight: we’re talking about advertising that’s made to reach people when they’re not at home. It’s a fantastic way for brands to capture attention and increase brand awareness in public. There are two kinds of outdoor media: traditional and digital. 

Traditional Outdoor Media

Traditional outdoor media consists of a handful of different things, the most popular being billboards. Billboards are large and eye-catching, and if put in the right place, a business can reach thousands in high-traffic locations. There are generally two types of billboards:

  1. Static billboards: These billboards have fixed images and messages on them that people typically use for longer campaigns.
  2. Mobile billboards: These digital signs are popped onto a truck, ensuring the message reaches different areas all throughout the day. 

Billboards are a 10/10 when it comes to visibility, so they’re perfect for brands who want to build recognition. 

Next up: posters and banners. We all know what these are! From tiny posters on street poles to massive ones on a subway wall, these bad boys are super versatile and can be put on things like benches, storefronts, and plazas. The possibilities are endless here.

Transit advertising is another form of traditional outdoor media, when ads are placed inside public transportation (think of the ad you last saw inside a bus or train). These ads are great as they can be seen by a lot of different people as they commute. Plus, if they’re used on something like a subway (where people spend a lot of time), there’s more time they’ll have to engage with the ad.

Digital Outdoor Media

Ever seen digital signs rolling by you on a truck as you’re out and about? That’s digital outdoor media in action! Digital signs and billboards are the most popular options here. Unlike your average billboard, digital billboards can switch from ad to ad, making campaigns more engaging and interactive.

Digital signs also use high-res displays, encouraging people to stop and stare (unlike run-of-the-mill ads on mobile devices). With digital signs, there are literally thousands of ways to keep things exciting. 

Interactive kiosks are another format here, when people use touchscreens to get users to interact with their brand. They’ll then place these kiosks in popular areas like airports or parks. Whether it’s testing out a new product or learning about a new service, kiosks attract attention and keep it. 

All the rage these days, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are up next. These two things are the kings of interactivity. Brands use them to showcase digital content, offer tours, and get people to interact with their offers on a more personal level. Though all forms of outdoor media have their perks, there’s no denying these two options can be a lot of fun!

Why Is Outdoor Media Important? 

So why the heck are we talking about outdoor media anyway? For a few reasons. From reach to cost-effectiveness, here are a few reasons why outdoor media should be at the top of your advertising list.

  1. Reach and visibility: Outdoor media is a great option for brands looking to reach a diverse crowd. Pop your ad into a high-traffic area, and you’ll reach thousands in just one day (without having to pay per click/impression or any other extra costs that come along with social media ads).
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Got a strict budget? Outdoor media is your friend! This type of advertising is well-known for how cost-effective it is, especially compared to TV or online ads. 
  3. Constant exposure: One of the best things about outdoor media is how it provides constant exposure. If you’ve ever hidden an ad online, you know what we mean here—nobody can hit the “ignore” button on outdoor media! 
  4. Targeted advertising: Outdoor media is awesome considering you can put your ads in places you know your audience is spending time. Want to reach young professionals? Pop an ad in a business district where they’re working. It’s as simple as that! 
  5. Tech advancements: Technology has flipped outdoor media on its head, allowing brands to create digital signs and messages that stand out in crowded spaces. 

Long story short: Outdoor media is a great way for your brand to keep things fresh and reach new people (without blowing your budget out of the water).

Using Outdoor Media

That list above only scratches the surface regarding outdoor media. Want to make an awesome campaign of your own? Here are some things to remember: 

  1. Set goals first. What do you want your outdoor media to do for your brand? More website clicks? More visits to your store? Map these things out first.
  2. Decide on the timing. Certain times of the year are better for specific products or messages (ex., a new women’s clothing launch around Mother’s Day). Figure out how long you want your ad to run and when you want to start it. 
  3. Keep things simple. If you’re opting for digital signs, try not to go overboard here. Use large text and clear messaging to capture attention without overwhelming anyone. 
  4. Use tech to your advantage. Digital signs will allow you to add in things like QR codes or rotating images, so you can use tech to beef up your creative and make people stop and stare. 
  5. Decide what metrics to track. Reach, impressions, clicks—there are so many key performance indicators (KPIs) to track here! Decide which ones are most important and relevant to your goals so you don’t focus on too many at once. 
  6. Analyze your success. Data is your friend when it comes to outdoor media! Analyze the results of your campaign so you know what worked well and what you can update. 

Your Outdoor Media Partner

We hope by now we’ve convinced you to give outdoor media a shot! This advertising format is an excellent way to make people stop and pay attention to what your brand has to share. From digital signs that flash in the dark to posters that span an entire block, outdoor media deserves more hype.

Need help creating a campaign of your own? Our team is ready when you are. We’ll help you with a digital billboard your customers won’t soon forget! Contact us today to get started.

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