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Bulldog Mobile Billboards – E-Newsletter

Contact: Rod Collins
Phone: (214) 724-2729

September 29, 2007


  • Letter From Rod
  • A Night At Andiamo Restaurant
  • Name That E-Newsletter
  • Free Quote For A Friend

Letter from Rod

I am very excited to introduce to you our first E-Newsletter from Dallas Bulldog Marketing. Many exciting developments have been happening at Bulldog and this E-Newsletter will be one way I can share the good news with you.

Just in case you are not familiar with Dallas Bulldog Marketing, we specialize in gorilla and experiential marketing tactics – in other words, We Drive Your Message, Where Other Advertising Can’t! From our scrolling mobile billboard trucks to specialty inflatable images, from parking stripe advertising to our street teams, we help you cut through the clutter to get your marketing messages across. Visit our Website for more information:

I’m equally excited to launch our Client of the Month program.Each month we will spotlight a Bulldog client on this E-Newsletter and our Website. This is a new service to my clients and it’s FREE. It’s my way of saying Thank You for your business.

Andiamo Restaurant is the first client I want to spotlight. See the story below.

I also need your help in naming this E-Newsletter. This is our first time out so tell me what you think and send in your ideas. If your name idea is chosen, not only will I give you recognition in the next issue, I will reward you with a nice gift.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support and I hope you enjoy the first issue of our Bulldog

Best regards,

Rod Collins
Dallas Bulldog Marketing


Bulldog Client of the Month: Andiamo Bar & Grill

Some great wine, authentic Italian cuisine and great atmosphere – what an evening! Andiamo’s specialize in daily fresh fish, pork chops and a full service bar. Hungry yet?

Not only is Adiamos my client, it is one of my favorite places to dine. Their lunch or dinner menu is incredible, their wine list is great and now with recent renovations to their exterior, they are making history in the heart of Addison’s busy restaurant row.

Come join me at Andiamos and the Bulldog truck on Monday, October 8th between the hours of
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. We will have some goodies to give away in front of the restaurant.

When you visit on October 8th, don’t forget to have your business card stamped by Bulldog Billboards, and then drop you business card in a bowl for a chance to win a gift certificate worth $50 for a dinner for two, compliments of Andiamo Restaurant.

Hope to see you there!

Photo of Mike Azad and employee, Chapman
Photo Caption: Come meet Michael (left), the owner, and his staff for an evening of great food and company.

Boxed Sidebar Profile

Andiamo Italian Bar & Grill
4151 Belt Line Road, Suite #101
Addison, TX 75001

Name That E-Newsletter

What about, The Bone? Tails That Wag the Bulldog? Bulldog Tails? I just can’t make up my mind.

Please help us name this E-Newsletter. Send your submissions by Monday, October 8, 2007, to I’ll send you a coupon for special savings when you send me your suggestions.

If your idea is chosen, not only will you get my eternal gratitude, but I’ll make sure that you get a little “something for your effort.

So send in your suggestions today.

What’s Coming Up!

  • Look for the new Free Quote for a Friend program in the next issue of the Bulldog E-Newsletter.
  • Ever wonder what it’s like to be on the road with the Bulldog Billboards truck? Check out the next issue. We meet some interesting characters out there.
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