Mobile Billboard Advertising

mobile billboards

Cards for Pandemics Advertised Their Card Game Using a Mobile Billboard

Cards for Pandemics is a new card that recently came out. It’s a fill in the blank card game about the craziness of 2020. This funny, interactive card game, which we used mobile billboard trucks for,  are filled with all sorts of inappropriate questions and answers for your friends and family. This card game is a great way to look back at the year 2020 and try and share some laughs over that wild year.

Bulldog Mobile Billboards helped Cards for Pandemics advertise this new card game. We did so by using one of our mobile billboard trucks. We parked our mobile billboard trucks in several different busy areas for crowds to see like in front of Costco, OfficeMax, and Walmart. These mobile billboard trucks grew a lot of attention for the card game and helped remind people the best way to get past that crazy year is to laugh at it.

If you or someone you know would be interested in using mobile billboards for their advertising campaign then give Rod Collins a call at: (214) 724-2729.

Giving Back To Communities

Cards for Pandemics is a reminder for friends and family to get together and laugh about how wild last year while playing this fun card game. The card game also donates $1.50 for each box sold to Hummingbird House. Hummingbird House is a charity organization that supports a Children’s Hospice. You can not currently buy the deck of cards in stores, but you can order them online. Place your order soon and start sharing laughs till you cry with your friends and family.

Is It Too Soon?

Some people might be wondering if this card game is too soon since 2020 just happened and things still aren’t completely back to normal. We don’t think it’s too soon at all. Sometimes the only way to keep sane in an insane world is to laugh. This card game can help you put the year 2020 behind you with all the craziness and just have a laugh about it. Some cards are a bit edgy in the pack of cards, but that is what this type of card game is all about.

Mobile Billboards Helped Them Get The Word Out

Mobile billboard trucks are a great form of home advertising and can spread the message to a large audience. During this campaign we had traveled to several different shopping centers for everybody to see. This helped get the word out about Cards for Pandemics and created awareness for the game. Mobile billboards come with various benefits for promoting your event, business, or product and can help your business grow. This effective way of advertising can reach a large number of people and before you know it all of your friends and family will have heard of the game and will be playing it.

Place Your Order Today

2020 was a wild year and had many unexpected events happen, but it’s time to look to the future and put that year behind us. Put that crazy year of 2020 behind you and start laughing about how nuts it was by playing Cards for Pandemics. Place your order today for Cards for Pandemics and start sharing laughs with your friends and family.

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