Mobile Billboard Advertising

Mobile Advertising

Chicken Salad Chick Promotes Their Restaurant Using Mobile Advertising

Chicken Salad Chick promoted their restaurant with the help of mobile advertising. They selected Bulldog Mobile Billboards to help them achieve their successful marketing accomplishment to promote their business. Chicken Salad Chick started with Stacy Brown’s ambitions that helped grow her business. She started by selling door to door to residents, hair salons, and teachers’ lounges. During this campaign we traveled to several different shopping centers like Walmart and Brookshires. This helped to get the word out about their business.

With the leadership of the CEO, Scott Deviney, franchising of the company has built tremendously. Chicken Salad Chick has developed 200 locations in 17 different states. They eventually plan to grow to 220 locations by the end of 2021. They offer superb hospitality for their guests and have plenty of different options for different salads. Advertising this expanding company has helped them grow their business through mobile advertising.

If you or someone you know is interested in growing their business by using mobile advertising give Rod Collins a call at: (214) 724-2729.

Mobile Advertising Offers More Control

Since mobile advertising has the ability to be reached by several different demographics by your choice you can choose where you would like it. By taking advantage of your mobile advertisement you will be able to reach a vast variety of your target market. You could drive your advertisement down main city roads, through rush hour traffic, or even park them in populated areas like shopping centers. You will be able to take your message to several locations throughout the campaign.

Mobile Advertising Is Cost Effective

Every business relies on income to keep their company going. A lot of companies will find themselves pouring money into bad marketing decisions. However, with mobile advertising through the use of billboard trucks your business will be able to save a lot of money while getting your business promoted. You will not have to pay for an oversized stationary billboard or pay for air time on a TV station that viewers might not even be paying attention to. Social media advertising is also expensive compared to billboard trucks.

Everyone’s on the Road

The average American spends 15 hours a week on the road as stated by Arbitron Inc. whether they’re a driver or a passenger. Having this many people in their car will help you to reach a larger audience. There are several stationary billboards that people drive past, but having a mobile advertising billboard next to you will help your audience remember your message better. Having mobile billboards will help you to keep your audience’s memory.

Promoting Your Business

Promote your business like Chicken Salad Chick and create a successful business like they did. They used mobile advertising to help grow their business and it came with many benefits to help grow their business. Follow these tips above and see for your own business how mobile advertising can help you like many other businesses and grow your company.

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