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LED Digital Billboards

Four Benefits of Investing in Digital Mobile Billboards in 2024

digital mobile billboards

These days, it feels as though everyone is always scrolling on their phones. So it’s no surprise that most businesses focus on ads on websites, social media platforms, etc. The problem? These types of ads are so run-of-the-mill that people are starting to fail to pay attention to them.

That’s where mobile billboards come into play. Yes, traditional advertising methods can still be effective, but if you really want to get people to stop and stare, a mobile digital billboard is the way to go. In fact, mobile billboards are remembered by 97% of consumers, while online ads or those seen on a phone are remembered by only 58% of consumers. 

Think about it: Are you more likely to pay attention to an ad that looks like dozens you see every day, or an ad that’s different, stands out, and isn’t like every other ad on your phone? Mobile billboards are an incredible way for your brand to capture attention and stand out in today’s crowded market.

With technology getting more advanced by the second, mobile billboards are more engaging than ever before. High-resolution screens and animated graphics make it easy for your organization to get creative and make a splash. Plus, a mobile digital billboard is incredibly flexible, allowing you to update your message, switch locations, and maximize your budget.

Below, we’re sharing more on the top four benefits of investing in mobile billboards in 2024. Take a look so you can put your money where it’s going to have the greatest impact! 

Benefit 1: Increased Reach and Visibility with Digital Mobile Billboards

When you’re spending a lot of time and money on an ad, you want it to be seen by as many people as possible. This is where mobile billboards really stand out. Unlike billboards that are stuck in one place, a mobile digital billboard can move around, helping you reach different audiences in different places.

Taking Your Ad on the Road

Mobile billboards are mounted on vehicles, like trucks or buses, which then travel on different routes. This means your ad is far from boring—it can actually be seen in different places throughout the day. Need to reach families in quiet neighborhoods? Done. How about young professionals downtown? It’s easy to cruise through multiple areas with a mobile digital billboard.

Take a campaign for a new smartphone, for example. With a static billboard, you’re stuck in one area. But with a mobile digital billboard, you can reach tech-savvy millennials downtown and suburban families who might want a reliable, family-friendly device all in one day. The reach you get with mobile billboards is second to none.

Keeping Up With Today’s Market

There’s no denying it—today’s world is incredibly fast-paced. So, if you don’t want your brand to fall behind, mobile billboards are the way to go. When you use them, you can reach consumers on the move, whether they’re commuting, running errands, or out sightseeing. 

People are busy, and traditional billboards might not always catch their eye. A mobile digital billboard, however, moves with traffic, ensuring your ad is seen by people no matter where they are or what they’re doing. In today’s digital age, the last thing your brand wants is to fall behind. Mobile billboards will help you reach a lot of people without getting lost in a sea of social media ads. 

Benefit 2: Real-Time Content Updates

With a static billboard, what you see is what you get. Once your ad is up, it’s up. This means no making any changes (even if you didn’t notice a typo—yikes!). That’s a major downfall of traditional advertising methods, especially those involving print.

Enter, mobile billboards. These bad boys can actually be updated in real-time. Message not converting customers? Change it! Route not reaching the people you thought it might? Move it around! Mobile billboards are super flexible, allowing you to update your content at the click of a button. 

The Ultimate Flexibility

Being able to change your mobile digital billboard on the fly is one of the best things about mobile billboards. Want to display something in the morning and something different in the evening? You got it. By doing so, you can rest easy knowing your message is always timely and relevant. 

Let’s take a coffee shop, for example. They can promote a morning drink special during rush hour, switch to a lunch deal around noon, and advertise a happy hour discount later in the afternoon. All with the same mobile digital billboard! This flexibility works wonders for both your reach and your advertising budget.

Using Real-Time Updates to Your Advantage

Not sure how you can use real-time mobile billboard updates for your brand? Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Promotional events and sales. Flash sales are great when it comes to getting people to take action, so consider using a mobile digital billboard to announce your sale. You can use a real-time countdown and highlight your best deals throughout the day. 
  2. Timely information. If there’s a concert, event, or festival in town, use your mobile digital billboard to capitalize on it. For example, a music festival sponsor can use their mobile billboards to share performance schedules and highlight food and drink specials.
  3. Seasonal campaigns. Want to make the most of each season or holiday? Use mobile billboards to share sales, discounts, and gift ideas. A ski resort is a good example here—they can use a mobile digital billboard to share winter pass deals, real-time updates on their trails, and any discounts on gear. 

When you keep your content relevant with mobile billboards, you can feel confident knowing you’re sharing info people actually want to see (when they want to see it!).

Benefit 3: Cost-Effective Advertising with Digital Mobile Billboards

Let’s be real—you don’t want to spend a bunch of money on an ad only to have it flop. You want to squeeze every penny you can out of your budget! If you want a cost-effective method, mobile billboards are the way to go.

Low Production and Installation Costs

Why? First off, they have lower production and installation costs than traditional billboards. With your average billboard, you have to invest a lot of time and money into its design, print, and installation. Then, if you want to switch things up, you have to go back to square one. This means physically replacing the billboard and spending even more money on printing and installation. 

On the other hand, mobile billboards get rid of these print and installation costs entirely. If you want to change your ad, you can do so right from your phone or computer. There’s no need to backtrack when you have a mobile digital billboard that can be changed in real time.

Faster Turnaround Time

Since you can change things so easily, it’s much quicker to get a mobile digital billboard up and running. Traditional billboards take time to print and install, while mobile billboards can be updated online. You can keep up with market trends and hit the road much faster than if you were to build a static billboard campaign. 

Better ROI 

If you plop a regular billboard on the side of the highway, you can’t exactly control who sees it. Whoever drives down that highway is what you get! But with mobile billboards, you can customize your route to make sure you’re targeting the right groups of people.

This leads to a much better return on investment (ROI). Instead of wasting space reaching people you don’t need to reach, you can make sure your route goes directly to your target audience. When you put your ad wherever they are, you can boost your conversion rate and get the most out of your budget. 

Benefit 4: Enhanced Engagement and Interaction

If you spend time creating the perfect ad, you want your audience to jump on it. Engagement is key if you want to increase sales, and unfortunately, a traditional billboard just isn’t set up to help you do that. They’re not nearly as dynamic or interactive as digital mobile billboards.

With digital mobile billboards, you can create campaigns with animated graphics, QR codes, and social media integration. There are so many ways to capture attention on a mobile digital billboard, so long as you aren’t afraid to think outside the box! 

Creating Fun Content

Mobile billboards can come with screens that you can then pack with fun, animated content. Instead of showing a single image, you can even rotate through different ads and videos. Variety like this will make your ads irresistible while encouraging viewers to take the next step with your brand. 

Need an example? Take a car dealership. They can use a mobile digital billboard to showcase a new car with rotating views, inside looks, and a QR code where people can learn more. By switching things up, you’ll capture attention way better than a static image would.

Ways to Increase Engagement

Want to boost engagement with your digital mobile billboards? Try some of our favorite techniques:

  1. Run a contest or giveaway. Ask viewers to follow you on social media and share content in exchange for a chance to win a prize. You’ll increase your following while also increasing engagement—a win-win! 
  2. Display a product demo. Touchscreen mobile billboards will allow your audience to explore your different products, whether it’s watching demo videos or even customizing the product for themselves. This hands-on experience is both exciting and effective! 
  3. Create a game or quiz. To really boost engagement, design a quiz or game people can play on your mobile digital billboard. For example, a beverage company could create a game where users match flavors to win prizes.

The more interactive your content, the more people will stick around and get to know your brand! 

Your Own Digital Mobile Billboards

Now you know—mobile billboards are taking the advertising world by storm in 2024. Ready to create your own? Our team is all hands on deck. We’ll walk you through the process and make sure you know exactly how to reach your audience on the road. Send us a message today to invest in your own mobile digital billboard this year!

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