Mobile Billboard Advertising

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Mobile Billboard Advertisements

Guidelines for Setting the Duration of Your Mobile Billboard Campaign

Did you know that ads from a mobile billboard are remembered by 97% of consumers, but ads seen online or on a smartphone are remembered by only 58% of consumers? If you’re not already taking advantage of mobile billboards, it’s time to start doing so!

This ad format is an awesome way to get your message right in front of your dream customers. But most of the people we talk to about mobile billboards ask us one important question: How many weeks for a campaign?

Whether you have a fun new product to launch or a big event coming up, you know a mobile billboard is the way to go—you’re just not sure how long it should be out on the road for. If it’s too short, you might not reach enough people. If it’s too long, you risk people getting sick of your message. 

The solution? Determining how many weeks for a campaign before your mobile billboard hits the streets. Below, we’re sharing exactly how you can make this happen! Take a look so you can rest easy knowing your mobile billboard will spend the right amount of time in front of your audience. 

Thinking About Your Campaign Goals

First thing’s first: you need to think about the goals of your mobile billboard campaign. You won’t know how many weeks for a campaign before you do this! Once you think about what you want your mobile billboard to do for your brand, you’ll have a much easier time creating the actual campaign. 

Start with some objectives. Here are a few we recommend:

  • Brand awareness: If you want people to become more familiar with your brand, a longer campaign might be the way to go here. It’s all about visibility! The more people see your message, the more familiar and trustworthy your brand will become. 
  • Product launch: Have a new product on the horizon? A shorter campaign is going to be your bread and butter. Quicker, more intense messaging will create a sense of urgency and excitement, helping you draw attention to your launch.
  • Event promo: Promoting an event can be tricky. You want to make sure your mobile billboard runs early enough to build excitement but not so early that people forget about your event entirely! Start slow, then ramp things up as the event approaches. 
  • Sales boost: Want to boost sales on a time-sensitive offer? A short-term campaign with a punchy call to action will help generate engagement here. 

Once you’ve thought about your goals, you’ll want to keep your audience in mind. How old are they? Younger audiences might like shorter, high-energy campaigns, while older audiences might appreciate longer exposure. 

You’ll also want to think about when your audience is out and about. When you know what they’re up to, you can then determine how many weeks for a campaign will be most effective for your brand. For example, if you’re targeting young professionals, a campaign that runs when they’re going to and from the office would be much more impactful than running a campaign during typical business hours.

After you have your goals and audience breakdown, you’ll move into some additional factors that will influence your mobile billboard campaign, which we’re detailing below.

Other Factors to Consider

Your goals and your audience aren’t the only pieces to your mobile billboard puzzle—there are some additional factors you’ll want to consider before you move forward. By taking these things into account, you’ll feel confident that your mobile billboard will meet every one of the goals you set.

First up: market research. Understanding the market is exactly how you’ll make sure your campaign is a success. Keep an eye on what’s trending and how you can make your mobile billboard stand out from the crowd. It’s okay to take a peek at your competitors here, too! See what they’re doing and how you can kick things up a notch. 

Next up: seasonality. What’s going on during the month(s) you want to run your mobile billboard? For example, clothing stores might have a better campaign if they run it during the holiday shopping season, while travel brands might want to focus on summer break. 

Don’t forget about your budget here! If it’s smaller, you might not be able to run a super long campaign. Think about the money you can invest, as it’ll make it easier for you to pick a timeline for your mobile billboard. 

Location and route are two other things you’ll want to consider here. Your mobile billboard is only going to be effective if it’s in an area where your consumers are spending time. Check out some high-traffic areas where your audience is likely to hang out. Think shopping centers, downtown restaurant scenes, and major highways. 

Then, plan your route to cover these high-traffic areas. Consider any events happening in your town as well. If there are concerts or festivals in the area, you might want to add a few extra streets to your route.

Last up: be sure to consider your message. If it’s simple and straight to the point (like a catchy slogan), a shorter campaign might be just fine. However, if you have a detailed message or something that’s more educational, a longer campaign will help give your audience the time they need to absorb what you’re trying to say. 

When you take a look at all these factors, your team will know how many weeks for a campaign will be best for your product or service. Put in the time beforehand, and you’ll be sure to enjoy the benefits after!

Short-Term Campaigns

So: how do you know if your mobile billboard should be short-term or long-term? We’re glad you asked. Short-term campaigns are perfect for time-sensitive promos and brands looking to generate a quick buzz. Choose a short-term campaign for things like:

  • Event promos
  • Flash sales and limited-time offers
  • Product launches

Short-term campaigns come with their own unique list of benefits, starting with cost-effectiveness. Shorter campaigns mean they take less money to run, so if you have a smaller budget, a smaller timeline would work well for you.

Shorter campaigns typically grab attention faster than longer campaigns too. An eye-catching message can work wonders for brand awareness. 

Shorter campaigns are also easier to adjust based on immediate results. You can quickly pivot and switch things up here. If you want to be flexible, a shorter campaign might be right up your alley. 

Long-Term Campaigns

Long-term campaigns are a great way to create a lasting impression on your consumers. Choose a long-term campaign if you’re looking to do these things:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Continuously promote an offer
  • Educate your audience

Like short-term campaigns, long-term campaigns are also packed with benefits of their own, including your potential for reach. With a longer campaign, you can reach a bigger audience. More people will see your brand and you can take your time reaching different parts of your target market. 

Repeated exposure is also your friend here! Consumers are more likely to remember your brand when they see it multiple times. That’s where a long-term campaign can be incredibly beneficial.

Lastly, long-term campaigns take the cake when it comes to consistent engagement. Your brand will be top-of-mind for consumers, which is great for brands in more competitive industries. Remember the rule of 7, here! This rule showcases how a customer typically sees a brand’s message at least seven times before they make a purchase or take action. 

Your Own Mobile Billboard

There you have it! Now you know exactly how many weeks for a campaign will be most effective for your brand.

Ready to make a mobile billboard of your own? We’re here to help with that. Contact us today so we can walk you through the process and drive your message home!

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