Mobile Billboard Advertising

truck side advertising

How This Business Uses Truck Side Advertising For Their Mobile Salons

Be Suite By Beauty Entourage has expanded their mobile salons. They recently bought a glass walled display truck from Bulldog Mobile Billboards to expand their truck fleet and start making waves across the city with their mobile hair salons. The redid the inside to accommodate their clients needs with hair salon chairs and more. Bulldog Mobile Billboards sold them their 18 foot glass walled truck and wrapped it in vinyl wrap with their branding. They advertised using mobile salons through truck side advertising.

Be Suite By Beauty Entourage was launched back in 2005 to help create a unique beauty experience for prominent moments in someone’s life like prom and wedding photos for example.

Their first salon was opened in 2007 and later on they opened an additional 4 salons. They would host yearly events for women in shelters who would appreciate a makeover. The founder, Ashley, also helped raise funds as an ambassador for Wigs for Kids. Ashley has helped educate over 100 stylists and has developed an amazing team throughout New England and areas like NYC. Recently she has moved back to Texas to be closer with family especially while living in the world of Covid-19.

The creative mobile salon concept helps to inspire artists to succeed anywhere they are since they are mobile.

If you or someone you know would be interested in taking their business mobile give Rod Collins a call at: (214) 724-2729.

What Can Truck Side Advertising Do For You?

Truck side advertising has become a very popular way to advertise for businesses in recent years. It is very effective for your business both financially and for brand awareness. Also, using advertising on wheels or putting your business on wheels puts you in more control of your business. Below we will go more in depth into each of these benefits that advertising trucks have for you and your business.

Taking Your Business Mobile

By taking your business mobile you will be able to take your business anywhere. You will be able to take your business to any location you want and promote your business to any demographic easily. Bulldog Mobile Billboards sold Be Suite By Beauty Entourage a glass walled display to truck to show people how a mobile business will be able to help them.

Truck Side Advertising Is Twice as Effective

Product Acceptance and Research Inc. came out with a study that shows mobile advertising trucks are twice as effective for increasing sales of a product or service rather than a typical stationary billboard. Some companies in this study even noticed sales increase by over 100% which is extraordinary especially when trying to grow a business. By using truck side advertising you will draw in a larger audience growing brand awareness and have greater sales rather than using a regular billboard.

More Control

During ad campaigns there are typically many changes that can happen during the promotion. As a business owner or executive you have the responsibility to make those changes and take control of the situation. With certain advertising forms like TV commercials, radio, or typical billboards you will have a more difficult time taking control of the situation if the ad campaign isn’t going as well as thought. These changes can also carry an expensive price tag with them to make these changes to get the ad campaign back on track which also puts you out of control. However, with truck side advertising and mobile billboards you will have more control over what content will be shared with your viewers. You will be able to make the necessary changes much easier than other forms of advertising and will help keep you in control of the ad campaign.

Mobile Advertising

As you can see, taking your business mobile can help your business thrive. It can help your business financially and create a large brand awareness for your product or service. Mobile advertising will also easily help keep you in control of your ad campaign. Try truck side advertising and take your business mobile to see even more benefits they have.

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