Mobile Billboard Advertising

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Mobile Billboard Campaigns
Advertising Trends, Campaigns, Mobile Billboard Advertisements

How to Track the Performance of Mobile Billboard Campaigns

If your business is looking to stand out against the noise and do things differently, look no further than mobile billboard advertising. Because in a world where people are constantly scrolling past ads on their phones, a mobile billboard is the perfect way to get them to actually pay attention to something new.

But before you start thinking about the creative aspects of mobile billboard advertising, you’ll want to think about an aspect that’s often overlooked: tracking their performance. Yep—just like any other advertising campaign, you’ll want to keep tabs on your mobile billboard. Rather than sending it out and hoping for the best, your data will let you know how it’s doing, so you can get the most bang for your buck. 

Now, if you’re like most brands, you might think that tracking analytics is a little daunting. That’s normal! It’s also why we’re breaking down the entire process below. Read on to learn more about how you can track the performance of your mobile billboard.

Read Also: How to Optimize Mobile Billboard Campaigns for Better Conversation

Setting Your Mobile Billboard Goals

Yes, when you create a mobile billboard, you want it to be a bit flashy. After all, it’s this creativity that’s going to make people stop and stare. However, before you work on the design of your mobile billboard, you’ll want to set clear goals first.

Start by getting to know your audience a bit better, then figure out what you want your mobile billboard to accomplish. Try following these steps:

1. Set goals for your campaign

    First thing’s first: what do you want your mobile billboard to actually do for your business? Are you using it to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost the sales of a specific product? Think about why you’re creating your ad in the first place. Defining your goals will make it much easier for you to measure success later on.

    2. Think about your target audience and where they hang out

      Next up, you’ll want to focus on your audience. Who do you want to pay attention to your mobile billboard once it hits the road? Map out their demographics, interests, and pain points. This way, you can tailor your mobile billboard to make sure it resonates with the people you’re trying to reach. 

      Then, once you know your audience, you can do some research on where they spend their time. For example, if you’re targeting families with young children, putting your mobile billboard in a busy downtown area with late-night bars and restaurants might not be the way to go. Instead, opt for smaller neighborhoods, schools, etc. You’ll want to be strategic about where you put your mobile billboard so you can rest easy knowing it’s reaching who you had in mind. 

      3. Pick your key performance indicators (KPIs)

        We know KPIs might sound a little fancy, but don’t worry—they’re just the metrics you’ll pick to know whether or not your mobile billboard was a success! We’re talking impressions, views, website traffic, social media comments, things like that.

        When you pick your KPIs, you’ll want to go back to those goals you set earlier. If you want more website traffic, then one of your KPIs should probably be website clicks. No matter what you choose, just remember to align your KPIs with your actual goals. Once you have them picked out, you’ll have the guidelines you need to see if your mobile billboard was a hit or a flop. 

        By setting goals, getting to know your audience, and picking KPIs, you’ll set yourself up for success in the world of mobile billboard advertising. Yes, it’ll take some time, but it’ll be worth it in the end! 

        Read Also: 10 Creative Ways to Utilize Mobile Billboard Advertising for Local Businesses

        Pre-Campaign Tracking Prep

        Before you hit the road (literally), you’ll want to gather everything you need to track the performance of your mobile billboard. Think tracking mechanisms, GPS tools, unique codes—everything that will tell you whether or not your mobile billboard stood out. 

        First, you’ll start with tracking mechanisms. These are the most important ones you’ll want to have on hand:

        1. GPS technology

          What’s a mobile billboard without a GPS to track its every move? When you attach a GPS to your campaign, you can see where it’s at in real-time. Get an explosion of clicks all of a sudden? Look at your GPS to see which location you might want to spend a little more time in!

          2. Call-to-action (CTA) codes

            Another great tracking method is a CTA code. This can be anything from a phone number to an SMS shortcode to a custom URL. When you put these on your mobile billboard, you can easily track engagements and when your audience is actually interacting with your ad. Every good mobile billboard has a next step people can take!

            3. QR codes 

              Similar to a CTA code, a QR code is another great option for tracking the success of your mobile billboard. They’re easy to set up and super convenient, as your audience will just have to whip out their phone (that they’re probably already using!) to interact with your brand. By using QR codes, you can track clicks, website visits, and more. 

              Post-Campaign Analysis and Reporting

              Congratulations—you’ve successfully jumped into the world of mobile billboard advertising! Once your mobile billboard is back in park (and before you really celebrate), there’s one more thing you’ll want to do: take a look at your post-campaign analytics. When you do this, you’ll dig deep into your data so you can see how to make your next mobile billboard even better. Here’s what you can do:

              1. Gather all that data

                So this first part can be a bit tedious! But it’s well worth your time. Start by gathering all of your data from the platforms we talked about above. GPS info, QR code clicks, and more. This way, you’ll have a much easier time actually analyzing your mobile billboard. 

                2. Check back in on your KPIs

                  Once you’ve got your data, you’ll want to roll up those sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty of everything. Start by pulling up your KPIs and comparing them against your data. Did you get more website traffic? How about social media likes? See how your goals stack up as you look over your real data. 

                  3. Make a note of your successes and improvements

                    Now it’s time to think about what you can take away from your campaign. What went well? What could you improve for next time? Maybe it’s switching locations or updating your design. Just don’t be too hard on yourself here! Know that there are good and bad things that come along with every mobile billboard. So long as you focus on the good and learn from the bad, you’ll be in a good spot.

                    Read Also: Mobile Billboard Advertising vs. Traditional Marketing Channels: A Comparison

                    Creating Your Own Mobile Billboard

                    And there you have it! By now, you know that tracking your mobile billboard isn’t just something you could do but something you should do. Data can feel intimidating, but we promise it doesn’t have to be super complex. Gather what you can and set a meeting with your team to look at things together afterward. 

                    Just remember: always set your goals first. Make sure they’re SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), so when you look back, you know exactly what to use your data to see. When you take things step by step, it’s much less overwhelming! 

                    Looking for help creating a winning mobile billboard? That’s what our team is here for. We’ll walk you through everything and make sure you feel confident that your campaign will be a success. Contact us today so you can make the most of your mobile billboard advertising budget!

                    Read Also: Mobile Billboard Advertising Trends to Watch in 2024

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